15 July 2012

Nara day 3 - Heijo Kyu 平城宮 - Toshodai-ji 唐招提寺 - Yakushi-ji 薬師寺

Last day in Nara was going to be an exhausting experience although a wicked day too. Like I always say you’ve got to walk along the roads, alleys, mews, tidy and dirty roads and lastly go through the places tourist books don’t tell you about. For me that is the best way to get to know a city.

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Nara is a big city but that day I discovered (from a tourist and ignorant point of view) that the city itself has different faces. The farther West you go the simpler it gets, the poorer (in some places) it becomes and least developed it turns.

8 July 2012

Shabu-Shabu in Kyoto - 京都にしゃぶしゃぶ

Shabu-Shabu in Kyoto  - 京都にしゃぶしゃぶ

NOTE: This is a rather delayed post that I should have posted in my Kyoto section but I completely skipped it due to lazyness. 

The same day we visited Kiyomizudera and Fushimi Inari taisho was going to be a day where we would do some more stuff afterwards. 

One of those interesting things was eating shabu-shabu, and boy it's something every single person who visits Japan must do. 

Shabu-Shabu in Kyoto しゃぶしゃぶ
しゃぶしゃぶ Shabu shabu in Kyoto