20 January 2012

On the way to the Osaka Castle 大坂城

Yesterday I spent all day wandering Osaka, and boy you've got lots of places to go and visit. I took so many photos that I had to come back to the hostel and save all pictures on my laptop and go out again. That was only around 1300 but I can't complain - actually I don't - I'm loving it.

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Today, I decided to head towards the Osaka Castle - from where I'm staying it's a nice walk - people at the hostel looked at me with funny (manga) eyes [no offence]- The walk was approximately an hour and 30 mins but I stopped many times, more than I can't remember.

19 January 2012

Breakfast in Osaka

onigiri in Osaka
Konbini Onigiri (rice balls)
Second day in Japan and I didn't feel like having a tea at the hostel so I decided to take a shower, dress up and hit to road. Luckily , Hostel 64, the place I'm staying is fairly close to a convenient shop called Family Mart.

My first thought was "how am I suppose to eat this?" well people I felt like a tarzan coming to the civilised world, because I couldn't open it and the whole nori fell apart. However, can you see the number 1 on the tip of the envelope......right.... you're suppose to pull it that down and then follow the instructions on the bottom of the onigiri. Seriously, it's not rocket science but it took me 20 minutes and a good piece of nori to understand the process...lesson learnt.

18 January 2012

Kansai Airport - KIX and Osaka City

When I landed in KIX I didn't know what to expect. I was so excited about everything. It was my dream trip. I even thought I was going to have some problems at the airport since a German business man had some problems with the immigration officer at customs. However, he asked me once "Reason in Japan" to what I replied "holiday". He replied back saying "Welcome to Japan".

It's always convenient to do some research before going to any country and Japan is not the exception. Thanks to my research and some help from my Japanese friend I bought a Kansai Pass for 3 days, although you can buy it for 1 or 2 days too. Where to buy it? At the airport there's no other place you can buy it. Although if you have the J-Rail Pass you don't have to worry. By the way, remember to get your J Rail Pass at the airport as well. I made a big mistake not buying it in Malta and I reckon my transport expenses were 25% more expensive.

KIX - Kansai International Airport Osaka
KIX - Kansai Airport - Osaka

I know what you're going to say. "But getting the J-Railpass is a no-brain". However, I didn't do it. Anyway, once you get your pass(es) and if you're in my situation were I had to be in constant communication with my Japanese friends. I highly recommend you to rent a mobile. Of course you can get a SIM card for your mobile - but trust me it's expensive.

au kddi japanese mobileIf you don't believe me check SOFTBANK and you will understand what I am saying. Also if you can write in Japanese like me, then a foreigner mobile is a bit of a problem, unless you have an iphone (but it's quite expensive and a lot of paperwork to get the SIM card). I ended up renting one at the airport and after 3 weeks I had to pay €22.55. Not bad and not that different from what I pay in Malta for using my iphone. The company I rented from gave me this Au KDDI mobile.

14 January 2012

3 weeks of Japanese dream

I never thought I was going to be able to visit Japan by the end of 2011. Let's say that it was not in my plans to begin with. However, many things happened in my life in the last quarter of 2011. The result of this was me buying a plane ticket to Japan, spending three weeks visiting friends and beautiful places. Some of them I have not met them since I was 15 years old and another friend I have not met her since we were at the university.