27 February 2012

3 Days in Osaka are not enough

Only 4 days had passed since I had landed in Japan and I have to say it had been brilliant! I do not regret about anything. It is a long flight, indeed it is but it worth the time and money. I was surprised because I didn't come across too many foreigners, even though that’s good to me, that’s not good to the country’s tourism economy. Of course, there's a reason behind it - Fukushima..

Sadly today, I'm saying "じゃあ、また!" (see you very soon) to Osaka because today I'm going to go to Kyoto to meet a very good friend after almost 10 years. On other hand, I'm going to jump on the Shinkansen - Hikari (apparently the fastest and newest one すごい!).

But first breakfast and I know many of you will think that I don't want to try anything else apart from this but I just simply love onigiri. I could seriously have onigiri every day of my life. By then I had realised that my favourite onigiri was the one filled with わかめ (one of the many types of seaweed) because it is simply delicious - I'm actually missing it right now - 

Different kind of Onigiri in Osaka
Different kind of Onigiri in Osaka

After that I had to go to Shin-Osaka station to buy the Shinkansen tickets for all the places I was going to visit in the coming days. Afterwards, I was going to walk around from Shin-Osaka station until Umeda to go on top of the Umeda Sky Building to have a 360 degrees view of Osaka. Remember that I told you my post “inside the Osaka Castle” that I was going to explain you this building.

Osaka-shi Station - Queue to buy Shinkansen Tickets
Osaka-shi Station - Queue to buy Shinkansen Tickets

Shinkansen のぞみ - Osaka departure time 16:47
Shinkansen のぞみ - Osaka departure time 16:47 

I have to come again”. Osaka is big people. It might not be as big as Tokyo, but it is big enough to keep you busy for a while. As you can see I hadn’t visited any Japanese restaurants in Osaka, and there are many good ones. 

But I was not worried because that was going to come soon anyway in the next city Kyoto, where I was going to meet 3 friends. One of those friends I had not seen for almost 10 years. I had promised her so many times I was coming but I never had the chance till now, and I was very happy about it.

Time to go back to the hostel and pick up my luggage and take the train to Kyoto. Next post…… Kyoto! 

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